Women’s Health and Prevention: The Strong Contribution of Sports
September 9, 2024

September 9, 2024
We often associate sports solely with physical well-being and achieving a toned and sculpted body.
In reality, beyond the simple concept of athletic performance, its benefits are much broader and deeper.
Indeed, sports can positively influence health at every stage of life.
Today, we will delve deeper into its contributions to women ‘s health and prevention.
Harmony Between Body and Movement
Firstly, engaging in sports helps regularize the menstrual cycle, alleviating symptoms such as cramps, bloating, fatigue, and general malaise.
Physical exercise facilitates the production of endorphins, chemicals produced by the brain with analgesic properties that combat pain and improve mood.
Moderate aerobic activities like yoga or swimming can prove to be invaluable support.
Women ‘s Bone Health
During and after menopause, when bone density tends to decrease, women are at risk of osteoporosis.
Physical exercise, particularly weight-bearing exercises, preserves bone well-being and prevents fractures.
Not only that: it counters climacteric symptoms and anxiety states, regulates sleep, and improves life quality.
An Active Body During Pregnancy
In the absence of specific contraindications, sports are also recommended during pregnancy.
Engaging in it reduces the risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, preterm birth, and deep vein thrombosis, as well as facilitating a quicker recovery after childbirth.
Activities such as swimming or walking are particularly suitable as they do not overload the body, especially in the last phase of pregnancy.
Sports and Prevention
Regular physical activity is an ally in prevention.
Research shows how sports regulate the production and action of various hormones (estrogens and insulin), reducing inflammation, a protective factor against the development of tumors, such as breast cancer.
Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day can activate this series of defensive mechanisms that strengthen the immune system.
Women ‘s Cardiovascular Well-being & Chronic Diseases
Finally, one of the most well-known benefits of physical exercise is the enhancement of cardiovascular health.
Aerobic activities, such as running and cycling, strengthen the heart and improve circulation, significantly reducing the risk of heart diseases, the leading cause of female mortality worldwide.
Moreover, practicing sports helps control body weight, preventing obesity, a risk factor for many chronic diseases.
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