The Power of Words: The Stories Behind the Most Curious Slogans of Sport Brands
June 22, 2023

June 22, 2023
What connects Nike, Adidas, Puma, and Reebok? Beyond competing in the sports goods market, these companies have also become famous for their unique and catchy slogans.
And behind each slogan lies a fascinating story.
Let’s uncover some of them in this article.
Nike, Just Do It
In 1988, Nike launched the most universal claim in the world of sports brands, whose charm lies in its simplicity and immediacy.
In a now-legendary video, 80-year-old Walt Stack ran bare-chested across San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, explaining how he could be so consistent.
At the end of the ironic explanation, the Just Do It phrase appeared for the first time.
Dan Wieden, then at the head of the swoosh advertising team, was the father of the slogan:
“I was sitting for 20 minutes staring into space when I thought for no reason about the case of Gary Gilmore (robber and murderer sentenced to death in 1977). I knew Michael, the brother. The thing that shocked me most about the sentence was Gary’s reaction: his last words were ‘Let’s do it‘. I kept asking myself – How do you face death this way? -. I didn’t like the ‘let’s’, so I changed it to ‘just’.“
The rest is history.
Adidas, Impossible is Nothing
Adidas, one of Nike’s main competitors, is not to be outdone when it comes to catchy slogans.
The inspirer of the famous claim was Cassius Marcellus Clay, aka Muhammad Ali, who first gave weight to one of the dogmas of sport:
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it’s a challenge. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Nothing is impossible. Impossible is nothing.“
In 1974, the company, under a sponsorship contract with Ali, embraced the concept, transforming it into the brand’s slogan through a campaign involving the boxer and his daughter Laila.
Impossible is Nothing was then reprised in 2004 in a global campaign aimed at relaunching the brand, with the aim of spurring people to overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams, in sports and in life.
The message is clear: there is nothing that is really impossible if you are determined to overcome it.
Puma, Forever Faster
Forever Faster is another example of a slogan that has helped define the brand it represents.
Born in 2014, this claim represents Puma’s ambition to be at the forefront of creating innovative sports products.
Furthermore, Forever Faster alludes to Puma’s philosophy of anticipating sports and style trends, staying one step ahead of the competition.
Reebok, Be More Human
Launched in 2015, Be More Human is the slogan that reflects Reebok’s mission to help people reach their potential through fitness.
The claim recalls the idea that physical activity not only shapes the body but also the mind and spirit, helping individuals become more human during this process.
The Message of Slogans
Each slogan is a journey of words that tells a story, summarizes an ideology, and instills a sense of mission.
They are not just catchphrases printed on a poster or spoken during a commercial; rather, they are the very essence of a brand, the beating heart that underpins every corporate strategy.
They are not just claims, but philosophies of life that inspire us and define the identity of a brand.
A narrative that pushes us, motivates us, and helps us discover and embrace the best in ourselves.
The magic of slogans lies in their power to transcend mere marketing to touch the deepest chords of our being, thereby shaping not only the corporate identity but also our way of seeing and facing the world.
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